Usage Instructions
1. This service is used to create a Microsoft 365 account using an invitation code.
2. In the first input box, enter the invitation code you received.
3. In the second input box, enter the display name you would like to use. It can be any characters.
4. In the third input box, enter the desired prefix for your account. The prefix must start with a letter or number and can include the following characters: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, ' . - _ ! # ^ ~
5. After entering the invitation code, the system will automatically fetch available suffixes. Select your preferred suffix from the options provided.
6. Finally, click submit. After clicking, please wait patiently for a few seconds. The account and password will be displayed below the button. Once you receive the account and password, make sure to record and save them properly.
1. 此服务用于使用邀请码创建单个Microsoft 365账号
2. 第一个输入框,输入你拿到的邀请码
3. 第二个输入框,输入你想要展示的名称,可以是任意字符
4. 第三个输入框,输入你想要的账号前缀,必须以数字或者字母开头,可用字符集:A-Z, a-z, 0-9, ' . - _ ! # ^ ~
5. 输入邀请码后,会自动拉取可用的后缀,这里选择想要的后缀
6. 最后点击提交,点击后耐心等待几秒,账号密码会显示在按钮下方,拿到账号密码后记得记录保存好
7. 如果你确实没有保存到账号密码,可以重新提交,会返回你注册时获取到的账号密码初始信息